Development Applications

Your Development Application will be handled by our team of waterfront specialist Town Planners and Architects. We will design and submit your Development Application utilising Harbour Planning’s 45 years of practical construction expertise.

You will enjoy the benefit of our professional relationships with our external team of specialist Surveyors, Marine Biologists, Ecologists, Engineers and Certifier. Our long term relationships with both the Local and State stakeholders.

This ensures that the use of your waterfront is maximised to your benefit and that your Development Application follows a solid planning path to a consent. Given the current protocols are heavily overseen by those stakeholders – we guarantee the long processes are shortened by our experienced team.

After initial contact and engagement we will attend your waterfront and make a full appraisal of all site benefits and restraints, not only above water but below. This may include both high tide and low tide site inspections and a site dive to advise of the seabed conditions.

Our town planners will coordinate the entire planning procedure on your behalf keeping you up to date with the progress being made. Our team will catalogue and prepare all the architectural plans, Statement of Environmental Effects, photographs, specialist information and site inspections to navigate and pursue your submission through the four government departments.

Most importantly, once approved we will also engage Certifiers on your behalf, so you are ready to build. While also co-ordinating the Crown Licence process and final certification paperwork.


The river estuaries of the Greater NSW Basin are owned by Crown Lands, with the exception of Sydney Harbour and Botany Bay.

There are four governing bodies to navigate to gain development consent for waterfront structures. Each has its own criteria for submission and their planning charters. Our approval services deal with those ever changing requirements.

Our team has streamlined the Planning Approval Process down to a fine art. This gives us the ability to work efficiently through the stages of approval and provide the Stakeholders exactly what they need to give you a consent.


The land holder of Sydney Harbour is NSW Roads and Maritime Services (previously NSW Maritime & NSW Waterways). Any works on Sydney Harbour first require the consent of the Land Owner via a Permission To Lodge Application.

Maritime have sophisticated planning instruments to assess the permissibility and design of waterfront structures.

There are two types of approvals available to homeowners with Maritime being; a Complying Development Certificate and a Development Application.

Once approved we can also assist with the issue of your new Lease with Maritime. On projects completion we will obtain your Occupation Certificate.

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